June 11, 2007

Well I guess that liquid diet thing works - I've lost about 8lbs since last Wednesday. I cleansed my colon (hey how's that for TMI?) today and it was going just fine until I got to Mary Catherine's school to pick her up. I managed to get home - but I certainly didn't stop when I ran through the door!

I have to be at the hospital tomorrow for 7am.. it's 11pm now. I hope I will be able to sleep.

I'm having doubts and lots of worries. I really hope I make it through the operation and look back at this post and think I am just being silly. I know that there are serious things to worry about after the surgery - but right now I'm mostly afraid of the actual operation.

I hate being put to sleep and waking up in recovery. Hate the buzzy feeling in my ears as they give me the cocktail that zonks me out. I don't like waking up in recovery not being able to see because they put my glasses somewhere. I'm not too keen on the morphine making me itch like a banshee...

So off I go in the morning. I'll update when I can from the losing side!

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