As I'm now getting closer and closer to my surgery - I'm trying to read up on life postop as much as possible. I'm on a UK message board and a few US ones. I have to admit that I like the US ones much, much more. They seem to focus on nutrition a lot more than what I'm finding in the UK, including my own surgeon!
So after reading all I can, I've ordered some protein supplements from BariatricEating.com. I like that it's a site just for people after bariatric surgery. I've ordered two 5lb bags of protein powder and a few other items to try. My mom is coming over the week before my surgery (and staying two weeks after - I can't tell you how happy I am that she'll be here, what a comfort!) so she's agreed to bring me everything I'm ordering. Mom = import company!
I've also been toying with the idea of getting a medical alert bracelet.. I am just worried that if something were to ever happen to me and I wasn't able to speak - well, I'd just want people to know that I've had the surgery and have had my anatomy rearranged. What do you think?
It hasn't hurt that I've found the cutest medical alert bracelets known to man from a site called Lauren's Hope. I'm in love, love, love with the typewriter key bracelet. I like that they have bracelets that are so fabulous, I'd wear them without the medic ID bit.
Elizabeth, I linked to you from my good friend HollyMay (bff, HM!) and I am so glad!
I am envious - I'm fairly sure that's the word I want to use - that you are so bold and so confident that you can take such a huge step to change your life. Bold in that you are willing to accept all the adverse effects of the surgery. Confident in that you know your outward appearance isn't all there is to you, but you know you can deal with - can live with - the aftermath of this major change. What courage you have, Elizabeth!
Second (less admirably on my part): oh I am soooo envious that you live in England. SO ENVIOUS. I've lived there and I would do almost anything to go back!
I look forward to reading more and I wish you well.
Nice to meet you Gracie! Any friend of HMP's is a friend of mine.. :) Your words were so kind - thank you for reading and I look forward to getting to know you better.
Whereabouts in England did you live?
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