All I can say is that I would like to see him for all my appointments. Maybe it's because I was his last appointment of the day - but he was very kind and took his time explaining things to me. We went over my history and glamourous co-morbidities and then he said that we would definitely go ahead and apply for funding.
Get this - we are totally on track for the op in February! He did say that getting funding from the Newham PCT is usually challenging with an average time of three months for funding, but apparently I can chase people in the PCT and fight my corner. I've been told to wait a month and then start to find out where I am in the process. I will, most likely, wait until the beginning of the year.
I will not see him again until we meet for a pre-op appointment. So - all was not lost and I was very, very glad that I went to the appointment.
Now, back to the hallway of annoyance. It's so weird - you sit in this hallway outside the consulting rooms and wait to be called for your appointment. The people that are there are all for appointments with Mr Mannur and friends - as that's their 'clinic'. This means you have a mix of pre and post op people. Yesterday seemed to be an even mix of both. The people - oh the people - they're all very East End and were I not grumpy, quite entertaining.
I played my PSP and kept my head down - I wasn't in the mood to strike up a conversation with a woman who explained to everyone that she'd 'had the gazzie band, luv' and a man who was keen for people to know that he'd 'known a geezer who'd been chucking up in the loo for days'. Uh, no thanks.
So - all in all, a good result and one hurdle passed with not much mention of my trick thyroid. Now I go back to waiting..
Oh almost forgot to mention!
Apparently, on the NHS you are not able to choose which type of operation you would like. While your preference is taken into account, apparently, it's up to the surgeon to decide what's best for you. Most people have the adjustable lap band done which I don't want as the thought of it inside me and a port that I can feel really freaks me out. However, my sparkling little polycystic ovaries have caused Mr Mannur to assign me to have a Roux En Y, which is the surgery I was hoping for. You go girls!
Sounds like good news! Must be a huge relief. Glad it's all going well.
so basically we as tax payers are paying for this? Definitely good news!!!!
I'm so glad everything is moving along for you :)
Things "oop norf" are slow moving, but hey ho, that's the NHS for you! I'm happy you got your choice of surgery - the band freaks me out too...
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